Active Threat Courses

  • Recognize behavioral precursors (body language, behaviors, facial cues) that can lead to violent incidents.

  • Recognize the frequency of intruder-related violence in the workplace based on FBI UCR data.

  • Identify and recognize risk factors inherent to the workplace.

  • Recognize law enforcement’s capabilities and limitations in responding to these emergencies.

  • Understand and accept that a violent intruder event will most likely be over before law enforcement arrives or as soon as the intruder becomes aware of law enforcement’s presence.

  • Understand the importance of awareness, education, and training for frontline personnel (those who frequently interact with the public).

  • Understand attackers’ goals and motivations.

  • Lockdown to protect employees/customers and lockout intruders.

  • Understand and overcome “Normalcy Bias.”

  • Understand what to do when lockdown fails.

  • Understand the concept of the Run, Hide, Fight paradigm. 


Don Veal, owner of Winterborn LLC, is the consummate professional. When I approached him to tailor an Active Threat Response course to my company's unique environment, Don came out and conducted a thorough assessment. He then built a course that not only provided great techniques for the office space, but also gave tools and mindset coaching to respond to these situations regardless of location. The feedback from the attendees was overwhelmingly positive. He and his instructors are top-notch, and I would not hesitate to recommend him for any training set that he provides.

- Rob Guillot, Corporate Security Director of Pioneer Natural Resources